I am excited to share that I was recently interviewed on the Hospitality Mavericks podcast by Michael Tingsager. We had a great conversation about what has taken up my focus currently: supporting female leaders in Hospitality with building their confidence.
Do something about the guilt
Work life balance conversations mostly revolve around wellbeing or burnout, without addressing this: dealing with the guilt that comes from always letting others down. To say yes to working late often means saying no to time spent with a loved one.
Interview with Chef Megan De Haas
I am very excited to present this interview with Chef Megan De Haas, who heads the brigade at a brunch restaurant in Toronto. As Head Chef, her philosophy has been to lead her team with gentleness and acceptance, with the
Balance is not the destination – II
To conclude this series, my final message to you is that balance does not come from yoga classes before service or from drinking turmeric lattes. As valuable as they might be to your wellbeing. Conversely, this means that balance can
Balance is not the destination
You might have heard me say this before: balance does not depend on your rota, but depends on how effectively you spend your precious free time. Balance is not something that you will find in your next job, but something that can be available to
Women in the Food Industry article
“Work life balance normally feels out of reach to just about everyone who endures our long hours. But add to that dynamic the need for a woman to constantly prove herself, to always be vigilant about her safety, to put
“Can I have a break?”
More than one coaching client has described to me the toll that comes from never switching off in Hospitality. Whether that is actually taking your work home, answering calls on your days off, or simply worrying about how your team
Making it hard
Do you ever tend to wonder when leading your team will feel easy? If this is you, my question to you is this: what are you doing to make it harder than it should be? Because you are unintentionally making
Coaching scholarships for female leaders in Hospitality
LAUNCHING TODAY: 3 x Coaching scholarships for female leaders in Hospitality I am writing today to ask you for your help, as Love Letters to Chefs is offering 3 x coaching scholarships this month. I would love for you to help me get the word out to one woman
Carry over
What habits from your work do you carry over into your time off? In my interview with Chef Taffy Elrod, she spoke of something common to many: delaying basic tasks such as eating a meal or taking a comfort break.