In Week 3 of Chefs in 2017 we’ll look at alternative ways to frame our goals. Maybe you’ve just landed that new job or bought the much-longed for house. Maybe you’re only looking to consolidate what you’ve built up so
You’re not ‘only a chef’
You’ll find a lot of the content here at Love Letters to Chefs that explores in-depth what it truly means to be a chef. I’m sure you do the same once in a while – surely we all have some profound reason behind our
The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said – Peter Drucker Brief message today, but an important one. We probably spend more time with our fellow chefs than we do with any other human beings. Be sure to
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth – Muhammad Ali I’m in a situation where some of the environments I inhabit feel chaotic. But walking into my weekend shift at the little café I
Chefs in 2017: What’s the view like?
Today we engage in a little bit of time travel. Fast forward to the future for a moment. Imagine you’ve arrived where you wanted to go this year. You’ve hit the target, achieved that goal, finished the race. Let me
Chefs in 2017: Where are you headed?
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – Peter Drucker This week it’s simple. You surely know what you want out of this year, where you want to go. But if you haven’t done it already, get specific about your
Chefs in 2017: Seeing where you are
Here’s my invitation before you start: make some time for this exercise. Even if you’ve got your goals for 2017 all planned out. Take yourself out of your regular environment. Go get a coffee somewhere or take a notebook to your
Chefs in 2017: Where are you now?
Today Love Letters to Chefs launches a 24-week series called Chefs in 2017 to help you lift your inner game and achieve your goals for this year. Running on Mondays and Tuesdays, right here on this blog. No doubt, just like me, you’ve