The next time you’re faced with any challenges, remember how bread holds any shape at all only because the dough has been vigorously kneaded. The gluten network that forms as a result is strong enough to hold the loaf together as it rises
Life lessons from Mirepoix
One afternoon in our pastry kitchen, the conversation turned to frustration over how chefs always remain hidden. How you always access a building from the staff or service entrance. How designated smoking areas outside premises are designed to keep chefs
Life after Brexit
While the nation is still coming to terms with the referendum results and the ensuing financial volatility, the UK catering industry has been quick to assess the implications on the decision to leave the EU: Catering equipment prices look set
Prototyping Maths App for Chefs – Week 2
Reinforced by the addition of an amazing front-end developer to our team, we sat down to storyboard our app. We started off penning our own ideas individually and when we pooled them collectively at the end, we found that we each
Brexit and the UK catering industry
London awoke to stormy weather this morning: the day we vote on whether Britain should remain in the EU or leave. Clouds of uncertainty hang over the catering industry with respect to the outcome that a ‘leave’ vote could bring. Aside from the politics, I will
“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected.” Imagine if every kitchen adopted this mantra! Share Tweet Follow Email
Prototyping Maths App for Chefs – Week 1
Thanks to a free prototyping course facilitated by London +Acumen with content by IDEO, my maths app for chefs has been taking shape. At least on paper. Aided and abetted by an amazing team, it’s been heartwarming to see how quickly it has progressed from
Life lessons from Marmalade
This year when I made my usual batch of Seville and blood orange marmalade, I was struck by this profound realisation: that the essence of a marmalade comes from the things that you usually discard in an orange – the