All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may
Are you present?
For the chefs out there who are parents, I want to share this relevant piece of advice from teacher Robert Ohotto: instead of worrying whether you’re being the best parent you can, try to be fully present with your child during the time you get to spend
Rocks in a jar
You know the analogy of rocks in a jar – how you should fill your life with the most important things (rocks) first, then add the things that matter less (sand)? If you’re thinking about work-life integration as a concept for the
What’s on your street?
What I learned today: that work-life integration is as simple as getting out of your head and paying attention to the view at the end of your street. Yes, I had to mentally erase the buildings around me, but for a moment that view
Be true – II
(Continued from yesterday’s post) This is what’s true for those of us who, through our own lives, are redefining what it means to be a chef: that we currently don’t have a blueprint for it. So we have to carve a path
Be true – I
Isn’t that advice becoming more relevant and necessary each day, chefs? Because many of us now finding our own ways to navigate how this profession impacts our lives. If this is you, chef, take a moment to get really clear about where you are: that you’re living
Celebrating female chefs
Let’s take a moment today to honour all the women who feed us, those who cook alongside us and those who taught us to cook. Share Tweet Follow Email
Our visions for our customers
Some food for thought today, chefs. We have such a powerful capacity to hold detailed visions for what our customers experience when they eat our food. So much of thought, planning and creativity goes into getting that experience just right. But
My own practice
Three years ago, I started a weekly practice of walking in the woods near my house. In a small way I connect with the land I live on, and the cycles of nature – all while living in one of the world’s largest metropolises. For me,
Either – Or
Maybe the only thing we need to remember when it comes to work-life integration is to shift our thinking from “either-or” to “both-and”. You don’t have to choose either the kitchen or having a life outside it. You can enjoy both at the