Outside San Sebastian on the Camino del Norte, a gentleman serves pilgrims with a rest-stop outside his home. When he asked me where my ‘fathers’ came from, I was sure he had mistranslated padres and had actually meant to enquire of my parents’
Be kind to each other
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention – Oscar Wilde Let’s not deny it: kindness has to take root in our kitchens. And it’s not because being kind makes you look good. We’re all fighting the
Be humble
Here’s a question for you today: do you accept help when it is offered to you? Saying yes to a helping hand isn’t about appearing weak or being vulnerable. What comes through instead is your humility: that you’re humble enough to acknowledge
Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job – Jim Lovell You’ve no doubt conquered many difficulties through this busy period. And no doubt, each challenge has stretched you, pulled you
Your vision for 2018
It’s strange how powerful setting an intention can be. My word for last year was Integrity, and through sometimes painful processes, I recovered all these parts of me that I had long disowned, whether out of fear or a need for security.
Become the person
Become the person who would attract the results you seek – Jim Cathcart Something to think about as your thoughts turn to 2018 and what you want from it. Never wait for the perfect conditions or to get your result, chef. Be
What you want to be tomorrow
You know how they say, “what you want to be tomorrow, you’ve got to be today”? If you want to someday lead a kitchen, are you doing all the things that a leader does: building relationships, helping everyone get to the finish line,
Be kind
Sometimes, it juts gets to you no matter how positive and motivated you try to keep yourself. You feel disjointed from the spirit that gets you through the busy Christmas season. It happens, even though you don’t want to go against
Dealing with the negative
How do you deal with a negative situation in the midst of all the busyness this season? Whether it’s a complaint from a customer or a conflict with a colleague, you know you have to keep going, keep working. I don’t have
Nothing goes unseen
You’re locked away in the kitchen for most of December. Outside, rest of the world celebrates the end of successful year, people getting awarded and rewarded. Of course, you’re too busy and focussed to wait around for acknowledgement. But know