
It was when I first started working that I noticed the personalities of my colleagues who smoked: they all seemed to project this air of cool confidence, like they belonged to a special club. My dad stopped smoking quite early, so

Be yourself

I came across the remarkable story of Mexican ultra-marathon runner Lorena Ramírez when my favourite musician Jorge Drexler featured her in his music video. The Rarámuri community she belongs to are known to be incredible runners and she’s doing great things with her gift.

Energy II

Continuing with the theme of energy, how do you protect yourself from being affected by the negative energy of other people? We’ve always been dependent on each other to survive, so it’s no wonder that we tend to align with

Starting out

On my walk in the woods I came across these cute baby oak plants growing at the foot of their parent. It made me think of the really long way they have to go! So many of us are here: young

Perspective – II

Continuing from yesterday’s post on perspective, I’m inviting you to consider how stepping back for a broader perspective also serves your wellbeing. Because you want to occasionally rest those eyes that are so intensely focussed on the task at hand, right? Look

Customer service

This seems like a timely post for National Waiters Day here in the UK, and because all of us service professionals invariably encounter difficult customers at one time or another. We should all read Seth Godin’s powerful note to the customer who


I’m reading a powerful book by Tara Sophia Mohr called Playing Big. She introduces a concept that I feel is important to share in an industry where we tend to sometimes take feedback personally. Yes, it can sting. Our customers

Speak Kindly

If speaking kindly to plants helps them grown imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do – Unknown I kept coming across this on Facebook and it seemed so apt for our kitchens. This message is not only for those

What fuels you?

What if we believed we would get what we deserved? Would we still compete so fiercely with everyone else? If we could trust that there was enough to go around, would we still fight for our share? If we could see that we’re all