Poster advertising FAQ for the Rebalance Yourself Strategy Session

In case you are wondering:

What is this for? For anyone who works in Hospitality, who wants to deal with the stress of their shift in a healthy way.

How does it work? We schedule a 1-hour coaching session via Zoom to put together your own Rebalance Toolkit.

How will it help me? You might (or might not) have the tools to deal with stress already. The difficult thing is to apply them effectively, when you are so busy.

What is coaching? Simply a conversation (confidential, non-judgemental) that helps you get clear on how you can resolve a particular problem – in this case, the stress that comes from working in the industry.

As your coach, I guide you through in building your Toolkit. We also create a strategy so you can use your Toolkit effectively, when you most need it.

Tell me more! You can email me or visit the link below.

Where do I sign up? Via this link.

Rebalance Yourself FAQ

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