
The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear – Brian Tracy

Maybe like me, you have a big goal but are facing the fear of achieving it. That’s completely normal: it’s a sign that you’ve challenged yourself to big growth. You’re simply not able to see the outcome from where you are now. And the growth will lift you above that to a higher level of what’s possible.

Isn’t it a contradiction that you help others achieve their big goals everyday at work? You overcome all manner of obstacles and challenges as you do your part help your team progress. You’re not so conscious of your fears then, you just do it because you’ve been asked to.

What if we could apply that to the things we desire? Just focus on doing it and not on what could go wrong, or failing, or getting it wrong?

Maybe this is the truth, chef: we can always have what we want, but we just have to get out of the way first.

Focus on what you want

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