Image text: "It was hard and it's taken a lot of personal energy and determination. But..having someone who understood, but in a supportive role would have been really, really useful."

You constantly read on the subject of dealing with stress. You put in the time and effort to learn from the experts. You try out every recommended hack and trend. And you always search for clues in the behaviour of those around you.

It is lonely because no one around you seems to have the right answers. And frustrating because the advice is so general and you do not know quite how to make it work for you.

The above quote was shared by a FOH professional who, like you, put in the hard work to build her own toolkit to deal with stress. She recognised how much easier it would have been if support was available.

I am here to tell you that you do not have to figure it all out yourself.

What if YOU were supported by a coach?

  • Someone who understands what working in Hospitality is like
  • Someone who is there to listen to your experience, without judgement
  • Someone who can help you make sense of what is going on for you

What if this was the end result of our session: YOU feeling more confident in how you deal with stress?

Get in touch if you want to know more about coaching or the Rebalance Yourself Strategy Session. Book your place here if you are ready!

“It was hard”

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