
We’re in Week 9 of Chefs in 2017. This is a 24-week series Love Letters to Chefs is running to help you fine-tune your inner game so you can achieve your goals for this year. If the first third of this course was about things you had to do, we’re now going deep. The journey inwards in the next few weeks is where you get clarity on what’s holding you back from fulfilling your dreams.

The truth is that when you’re chasing after something that’s really true to your why, the world begins to open up opportunities that sometimes gives you what you want right away, or you at least get a chance to ‘grow into’ your desired end result. But do we always take what’s offered to us? To be totally honest, sometimes we get in the way of our own success. 

We get upset when things don’t show up in the ways we expected. We try to force a situation too much and actually repel what we want. Sometimes we get that promotion or job offer before we’re ready and we’re filled with self-doubt instead of rising to the challenge. We might resist change because it means saying goodbye to relationships that feel comfortable.

Back to the question: where in your life are you out of sync with your why? Maybe you say no to things that come your way because they require too much work. But, remember that your dream job or promotion might also add a lot to your plate. Maybe you want to make radical changes to your life but it’s safer to do what all your friends are doing.

A good way to see where you’re out of integrity with your why is to review your answers to what do you have to do and  who do you have to be? to achieve your goal. Are you doing and being all that you need to be, chef? If not, no problem. In every new moment there’s an opportunity for course correction.

Can you now make a conscious decision to do what and be who you really want to?

Chefs in 2017: Where are you out of sync?

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