Text reads: The work life blur has been our story forever

This has been a trending theme in the 9-5 world ever since the pandemic struck, but for us, it is more a way of life.

We have tattoos proclaiming our love for our work. On our days off we practice techniques or test recipes. We wear our identities as chefs, even at home. And we struggle to know when and where to draw the line, so we can enjoy a healthy balance between the two.

And this shows up in our lives: conflicts in our relationships with our partners. Exhaustion from never really switching off and getting the rest we need. Health challenges that just will not go away. But you want more from life. And yet, your work and your personal life are so tangled up that you are all over the place: disappointing your loved ones, always stressed out or dealing with recurring health issues.

If you resonate with this, my strong advice to you is to look at your boundaries. In my coaching sessions, I help you look beneath the surface at what is really going on in these dynamics. Where are you getting in your own way?

Ultimately, we all want to feel whole: work that brings us fulfilment and joy in our personal lives. Working in Hospitality does not have to mean choosing between the two. And this is where I empower you to go after both of those things.

This is my personal invitation to you to sign up for 1-1 coaching. These sessions are solely focussed on helping you set and stick to boundaries between your work in Hospitality and your personal life.

First step: send me an email to book a free assessment session to discuss your challenge. Bookings close on Monday and these will be the final coaching sessions for 2021.

The work-life blur

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