
I’ve returned from my month-long personal development journey to learn that my app project aimed at helping you in the kitchen has made it to the next round of the funding application. Even though it’s too early to tell if I will be successful, I’m super-excited, but apprehensive too because this is where the real work begins. 

When I sit with my fears and examine them, I know they come from a place in me that still finds safety in sticking to what’s known and comfortable. We all go through this. Technology is not my domain and creating this product would involve really getting out of my comfort zone. It’s not that I will be building it myself, but the thought of getting people on board, managing this project, etc. challenges me.

My next step is to ask myself what I’m really afraid of here. The answer that comes up is: too much, too soon. That’s basically telling me that deep down, I’m actually afraid of my wish coming true. That I don’t feel all that worthy of getting what I want.

So now that I’ve established that aspect, I don’t judge myself. But I now take a look at the real truth: that this is not in the least about me. I want to create this app for you. And all that’s happening here is that I’m being offered help to make that happen. Because I don’t have the resources to do it myself.

More than anything, it’s a gift. The questions is: Am I willing to open my arms to receive this opportunity? 

If you’re ever anxious about inviting a good thing into your life, chef, that’s the question to ask.

I’m worthy

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