
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – Peter Drucker

This week it’s simple. You surely know what you want out of this year, where you want to go. But if you haven’t done it already, get specific about your destination or desired end result. What does this mean?

  • If you’re looking for a new job, be clear about what kind of kitchen you want to work in, what kind of team you want to be part of
  • Got your eyes on a promotion? List out the skills that you need to build or things you want to work on to prepare for that dream role
  • If it’s a holiday or celebration you’re planning, get clear on how much money you need to finance it
  • If it’s a fitness goal, or perhaps you want to quit a habit, then it’s a good idea to set intermittent milestones that keep you motivated every step of the way
  • Got a date for relocating to a new country? Make a list of all the things you want out of that experience

You get the idea. Because when you completely align yourself to a new goal, things begin to shift and the clearer you are about that goal, the more you invite into your life things that are congruent with it. Also, you see where you’re going and that clarity will influence the way you behave, make decisions and act. And remember, it doesn’t have to be complicated!

Chefs in 2017: Where are you headed?

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