Moving forward together

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself – Henry Ford

Today’s post is not really addressed to those who lead kitchens and teams of chefs. In a fast-paced, high pressure environment like a professional kitchen it sometimes is not easy to forgive mistakes and errors. Whether it’s during service or during prep, every dish is made up of so many components that our success depends on each part of the whole performing to expectation.

I’ve been in kitchens where someone has been marginalised for an error they committed. At times I’ve been the chef that was looked upon as the team’s weak link. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. But what I want to emphasise is that energy flows where focus goes. So if we’re all busy paying attention to the errors and failures of one person, we’re not moving forward together as a team.

What resolved those unpleasant experiences for me was when the Head Chef stepped in to help me out or got the whole team to help fix the situation. I did still feel awful for the error, but being accepted in spite of it changed everything. My energy, and that of everyone else on the team was focussed once again on the end result.

I’m hoping that you’ll keep this in mind for when it’s really needed over the next few weeks!

Moving forward together

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