
I loved Chef Suzanne Barr’s suggestion at MAD 6 that chefs could think about incorporating a crèche into their restaurants to support team members who are parents. She had to find a solution of her own – we got to see cute photos of how her little son grew up in the kitchen with her.

The idea has been rolled-out in some co-working spaces and corporate environments. I’ve read that working parents feel more productive because they’re not as preoccupied with how their child is coping without them at home or in daycare. Maybe the gap between work and life is just going to get smaller!

But whether it’s on your day off this weekend, or while bonding with your child in the kitchen-crèche of the future, this is a great question to be mindful of: what quality of presence can you bring to your interaction with your child? Because even in a busy cheflife, you’re then making the most of whatever length of time you get to enjoy together, chef.

#BetterCheflife: Presence

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